Sunday 28 May 2017

Never have I ever - a fun game inspired by Ellen

Never have I ever - a fun game inspired by Ellen

There are a lot of fans of Ellen show all over the world and I'm the one, as well. While watching various episodes of her show I noticed a regular game that she uses with her guests. The game is called Never have I ever....Each participant is asked a series of questions and all they do is to choose the correct answer - either I HAVE NEVER or I HAVE and explain it to the public. Below there is one randomly chosen video to show you what it is all about. Most of them are not suitable for the classroom use but it is just to show you the idea of the game.

Film address:

AIM : to practice Present Perfect in questions and answers versus Past Simple, Inversion

Take two (or more) table tennis rackets and just stick a sheet of paper with words I HAVE NEVER on one side and I HAVE  on the other side. Prepare your students a series of funny questions such as :

1. Never have I ever stolen sth from the shop.
2. Never have I ever cheated in the test.
3. Never have I ever kissed sb in the public. etc.

Or ask each student to write 5 crazy sentences starting with Never have I ever....
Give your own example on the board eg. Never have I ever worn sister's/brother's clothes.
Then choose two students and give them the tennis rockets. Students have to react to the sentences and if the answer is I have they are asked additional questions but using Past Simple this time:
When did it happen? How old were you? etc

A perfect activity for a short warm up or filler. Fun is guaranteed especially if you have a creative group and the questions are funny.


Friday 12 May 2017

Remember me? - a desperate video from a loving mum


Time to come back after a short break...but all those conferences and webinars and especially preparations for them can be killing (read: time consuming:)

May is the month when mothers all the round the world have their special day - MOTHER'S DAY. I did some reserach and found out that in fact Mother's Day is celebrated on various days and in different months depending on the country. So for example, in Poland it is on 26th of May, whereas in the USA,  it is always the second Sunday of May. That is why, I've  planned a few great and inspiring lesson plans especially for this month.

Today, I want you to watch a video of a mother whose son went to university. Sounds like a normal thing, right? But not in this case. Days passed and he completely "forgot" to call his parents or give any signs of life. So the mother after some time decided to record in "despair" a funny but serious at the same time video to recall him a few facts from his life.



A mom gives her son a serious guilt trip for going off to college and not calling! In this tongue and cheek video she tried to jog his memory on all that was done for him in the last 18 years!

WARM UP - (before watching)

Ask your students to list all the things their mums do for them every day - give a short time limit just 2-3 min. This part should be quick! Then students exchange the information in pairs. Write down top 10 things on the board. Class discussion.


Ask your students: 
1. What is your earliest memory connected with your mum? How old were you then? 
2. Do you sometimes argue with your mum? What about?
3. How would you finish those two sentences:

I LOVE MY MUM FOR.........
I HATE WHEN SHE...............

Usually, during such discussions, it turns out that all mothers are the same. We love them for their care, love and support, and hate for shouting to clean the room again and again (I'm the mother myself, I now what I'm saying)


Ask your students to watch a video of a mother who misses her son a lot. Divide your students into two groups. 

Group one:
While listening write down as many things as the mother did for her son.

Groups two:
Write down as many memories connected with her son as she recalls.


Students compare thier answers and a class discussion begins. Ask your students: Why do you think the mother decided to record herself? What do you think the reaction of the son will be? Why? How often do you talk to your mother? What about? Problems? Life in general? Love? 


If you could record a video for your mother, what would you like to thank her for? Why?

The video is really great fun for the students but as a mother I wouldn't like to be in her shoes:)

Enjoy the video!!!